Human resources and payroll administration

HomeProducts and solutionsERPHuman resources and payroll administration

Timely and flexible management of your company’s most important resource

Human resources and payroll administration enable small (less than 500 employees), medium (500 – 1500 employees), and big companies (more than 1500 employees) to achieve the complete automation of this process. In addition to using solutions for HR and payroll as the basic solutions used for administrative and legislative purposes, they may also be used as tools for controlling and monitoring. The payroll and HR software may be used separately, but also as a single solution for the management and monitoring of resources and administration, from financial to human resources, for companies with at least 50 employees. Both solutions are on the web, with mobile app add-ons (e.g. approval of annual vacation request and scheduling tasks from a mobile phone, tracking annual quotas, and so on).

The entire process is tightly controlled by ISO standards and NDAs. The solution is customizable in line with the requirements and changes of payroll modality depending on the industry and the business. Also, the core product may, to a certain extent, be customized according to the needs of the companies’ business operations.

What are the benefits?

Minimum use of paper documentation in processes related to human resources and payroll,
Automation of the process related to paying employees,
Tax management and insurance of deductions for remunerations, retirement savings and wage garnishments,
Resource management from the moment an employee joins the company (employment, onboarding process),
Management of all aspects of a particular position,
Departure from the company (retirement, dismissal or termination of the employment contract for any other reason),
Enabling simultaneous monitoring of career development and job changes within the company,
An advanced set of reports that go beyond legally prescribed and mandatory norms,
Personalized, custom-made tools that improve the decision-making process,
Talent management, management, analysis, and the benchmarking of work and time,
Measuring key performance indicators (KPI) and employee utilization.